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Latest revision as of 17:50, 14 August 2017
Written in an archaic form of kzinti, very little of this note is decipherable.
"Raeli turirsechheriurt u irsurr heruechsthion o sthawur irysthaw irsuherherountingr sthawur uherunt in awurher herurirsuruechaw chuchurher. irsawur grieurirs un in turchsthaw uechechounsth o sthawur heristhuur heruruiherurt stho rurnt sthawur grurirs o chourher instho sthawur iechkrurt echousth uhersthiuechsth."
"Raeli described a small fraction of the myth surrounding the armband in her research paper. She gives an in depth account of the ritual required to rend the gems of power into the wicked combat artifact."
Raeli : ruby
Type: trash
Flags: glow hum magic
Weight 5
level 126
Mob: ??
Area: Savage Jungle