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Latest revision as of 18:26, 14 August 2017

The Andabata fighting style requires both patience and savagry, and is perhaps the most difficult of the gladitorial styles to master. At first glance, it looks like there are no handicaps at all, until one notices that his helmet is without eyeholes. Instead, they are forced to find their opponent purely by sound.

Keywords: spectre, gladiator, Andabata.
Level: 22.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast, undead.
Affects: blind, pass door.


Spectre of a gladiator is using:
<worn around neck>  a Galerus
<worn around neck>  a Galerus
<worn on body>      chest Plate
<worn on head>      helm of Darkness
<worn on legs>      twin Greaves
<held in offhand>   a Scutum
<worn about waist>  broad Leather Belt
<wielded>           a Longsword
Spectre of a gladiator is carrying:


Note that Senex Operis' Ancient Arena contains several gladiator spectres, all of which are portable, but only this one has keyword Andabata.


Area: Senex Operis (Map).
Room(s): The Ancient Arena (portable).

Walking route from Aelmon: 16s, 3w, 3n, [n], 2n.

Spectre of a gladiator is portable.