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Latest revision as of 14:51, 13 August 2017

*                                                          *
*  RECHARGE RECHARGE RECHARGE!  Hate it when your wand or  *
*  staff is almost out of magic?!  So do I!  That's why I  *
*  go to Rulf's Recharge Ranch and get my gear recharged!  *
*  Come on down and get your staff recharged today!!!      *
*                                                          *

      - Notice taken from a tree, showing Rulf's failed
        store venture. After other mages figured out how
        to recharge wands and staves, Rulf quickly went
        out of business and was last seen selling pot pies
        in a small village.

NOTE: Recharge is an imperfect spell and has side-effects. You also must know the spell to recharge it.

Prerequisite(s): none.

Syntax: cast 'recharge' <brandish>.

This spell is useful for those mages and wizards wishing to extend the useful life of their brandishes (wands and staves). Recharging a brandish normally decreases its maximum charges either to ten (if formerly eleven or more) or by one each time (if formerly ten or less); sometimes, though, recharging a brandish will decrease its maximum charges to one or will even destroy it entirely. Because of such diminishing returns, recharging is not especially useful for brandishes that initially hold few charges.