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Latest revision as of 18:26, 14 August 2017
This is a relatively complex auto-picker script with some fault-recovery logic in it. It could have been more dumb and work better due to a lack of complexity, but it's functional the way it is now.
- You have a hero level picker - if false, change where the recall point goes, substitute with teleport.
- Your picker does not fail dismantling. Races such as halflings will not fail even at lord traps - this script does not have a dismantle recovery trigger since I have never failed!
- Your location in Sanctuary is e, n - change this in the header.
- Overflow mechanic works - I have never tested it as it's hard to get in that state. A naked picker with nothing but a load of lockboxes and some picks will in principle lose weight as goes goes through the boxes, not gain it. You'd need to work over a ton of lord lockboxes in order to gain weight and approach buffer.
- You will be using chest-picks and trap kits - those are simple and purchasable at rog guildmaster - if not, change that for something else.
- The picker is atheist and can sacrifice without penalty to health. If untrue, leave out the sac part.
Put the following into a file in your tintin++ folder and use #read <filename> while in tintin to load them up. Though you probably want them to autoload with your character.
#nop Just change these - location is from sanc, and buffer is the space you don't want to overfill. #var mylocation e=n; #var carrybuffer 30; #nop These are just initializers. #var autopick 0; #var number 0; #var tempcount 0; #var tempinput 0; #var trapattempt 0; #var trap1 none; #var trap2 none; #var trap3 none; #var trap4 none; #var trapattempt 1; #var carrydif 0 #var deposited 0; #alias {autopickoff} {#showme Stopping.;#var autopick 0;}; #alias {autopick} { #nop We start by determining the amount of lockboxes, irrelevant of condition.; #nop Have them in inventory, of course.; #var autopick 1; #var number 0; #var tempcount 0; stand; i; emote ends counting; }; #action {%1 [%2] a small wooden lockbox}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #var tempinput %1; #if {"$tempinput" == "(%*)"} { #replace tempinput {(}{}; #replace tempinput {)}{}; #replace tempinput { }{}; #math tempcount {$tempcount + $tempinput}; }; #else {#math tempcount {$tempcount + 1};}; }; }; #action {^%1 ends counting.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #if {"$tempcount" > "0"}{ #nop we reached the end and determined we have something to do.; #var number $tempcount; recall reset; recall; n;n;n;n;open e;e;recall set;deposit all;sanc;$mylocation; rem trap; hold trap; }; #else { #showme Nothing to do!; #var autopick 0; }; }; }; #action {^You are not carrying a trap.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #showme You have no trapkits. Turning script off.; #var autopick 0; }; }; #action {^You hold a trap-disarming kit in your hands.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ drop all.lockbox; #var currentbox 1; #var trapattempt 1; inspect lockbox; }; }; #nop To be absolutely certain, we will require that all 4 attempts end in same result, and if there is #nop a difference, we restart the check. #action {^The a small wooden lockbox looks like it is armed with a %1 trap.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #if {"$trapattempt" == "1"}{#var trap1 %1;#var trapattempt 2;inspect $currentbox.lockbox;}; #elseif {"$trapattempt" == "2"}{#var trap2 %1;#var trapattempt 3;inspect $currentbox.lockbox;}; #elseif {"$trapattempt" == "3"}{#var trap3 %1;#var trapattempt 4;inspect $currentbox.lockbox;}; #elseif {"$trapattempt" == "4"}{#var trap4 %1;#var trapattempt 1;dodismantle;}; }; }; #action {^The a small wooden lockbox is not trapped.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #if {"$trapattempt" == "1"}{#var trap1 none;#var trapattempt 2;inspect $currentbox.lockbox;}; #elseif {"$trapattempt" == "2"}{#var trap2 none;#var trapattempt 3;inspect $currentbox.lockbox;}; #elseif {"$trapattempt" == "3"}{#var trap3 none;#var trapattempt 4;inspect $currentbox.lockbox;}; #elseif {"$trapattempt" == "4"}{#var trap4 none;#var trapattempt 1;dodismantle;}; }; }; #alias {dodismantle}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #if {("$trap1" == "$trap2") && ("$trap1" == "$trap3") && ("$trap1" == "$trap4")} { #showme All are the same! Good to proceed.; #if {"$trap1" == "none"}{ #if {$currentbox < $number} { #math currentbox {$currentbox + 1}; #var trapattempt 1; #showme inspecting $currentbox.lockbox; inspect $currentbox.lockbox; }; #else { #showme Done with dismantling, onto picking!; #var currentbox 1; hold chest-pick; pick lockbox; }; }; #else {dismantle $trap1 $currentbox.lockbox;}; }; #else { #showme A different trap? Rechecking.; #var trapattempt 1; inspect $currentbox.lockbox; }; }; }; #action {^Wrong trap! You set it off!$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #showme Oops. Assuming I survived, rechecking this one.; #var trapattempt 1; inspect $currentbox.lockbox; }; }; #action {^You stand up and wipe the sweat from your brow.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #if {$currentbox < $number} { #math currentbox {$currentbox + 1}; #showme inspecting $currentbox.lockbox; inspect $currentbox.lockbox; }; #else { #showme Done with dismantling, onto picking!; #var currentbox 1; hold chest-pick; pick lockbox; }; }; }; #action {^The a small wooden lockbox was not trapped.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #showme some error perhaps. Let's retest.; #var trapattempt 1; inspect $currentbox.lockbox; }; }; #nop once done we'll lockpick the bunch, which is a much simpler process.; #action {^You are not carrying a chest-pick.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #Showme Out of chest-picks. Get some and retry.; #var autopick 0; }; }; #action {^*Click*$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #if {$currentbox < $number} { #math currentbox {$currentbox + 1}; #showme picking $currentbox.lockbox; pick $currentbox.lockbox; }; #else {attr}; }; }; #action {^You couldn't make the lock turn on a small wooden lockbox.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ pick $currentbox.lockbox; }; }; #action {^A small wooden lockbox is not locked.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #if {$currentbox < $number} { #math currentbox {$currentbox + 1}; pick $currentbox.lockbox; }; #else {attr}; }; }; #action {^A simple chest-pick breaks off in the lock!$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ hold chest-pick; }; }; #nop Once all are lockpicked, we open and sac them till fullish, deposit, rinse and repeat.; #action {You are carrying %1/%2 lbs.}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #math carrydif {%2 - %1}; #if {$carrydif < $carrybuffer}{ config -demonbank; #if {"$deposited" == "1"}{ #showme Aborting, full! Dump crap!; #var autopick 0; }; #else { recall; deposit all; sanc; $mylocation; #var deposited 1; attr; }; }; #else { #var deposited 0; open lockbox; get all lockbox; sac lockbox; attr; }; }; }; #action {^A small wooden lockbox is locked.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ #showme Aborting, error!; #var autopick 0; }; }; #action {^You do not see a lockbox here.$}{ #if {"$autopick" == "1"}{ recall; deposit all; sanc; $mylocation; #showme All done.; #var autopick 0; s; drop all.brown; n; drop all.orange; get all.red; s; drop all.orange; n; get all.heal; }; };
Type autopick and cross fingers. For best results, have a picker that is well rested (there will be moving required), and with a ton (30+) of lockboxes, as well as a reasonable supply (10+) of chest-picks.