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Revision as of 03:49, 14 August 2017

This command configures some of your character behavior.

With no options, CONFIG shows you your current settings.

With a plus or minus sign and an option, CONFIG turns that option on or off.

The options are:

Option name Description
Autoexit You automatically see exits.
Autoloot You automatically loot corpses.
Autogold You automatically take gold from corpses.
Autosplit You automatically split gold with your group.
Autosac You automatically sacrifice corpses.
Autopull You automatically pull arrows from corpses.
Autotitle You will receive a new title automatically when you level.
Autogroup You will automatically group anyone who follows you
Battlenone You will not see any damage done by other players.
Battleself You will see separate damage done to and by you.
Battleother You will see separate damage done by others to others.
Blank You have a blank line before your prompt.
Blind See 'help screen reader continued'.
Brief You see brief descriptions only.
Color You can receive certain things in color.
Cmdcolor You will receive command output in color.
Combine You see object lists in combined format.
Condition You will see item status.
Demonbank Your shop transactions are done directly with the bank for a fee.
Keepalive Controls whether the MUD sends you a keepalive pulse.
Label You will see item labels in your inventory and equipment.
Nobeep You will not receive beeps. Good for work.
Nodisturb Others will not be abe to wake you.
Nogenesis Has no effect at this time.
Notake You will not be given items.
Nosummon You will not be summonable.
Prompt You have a prompt.
Prompt2 You have a prompt2.
Scoreaff You will see affects on the score command.
Telnetga You receive a telnet GA sequence.
HDL (No +/-) Resets Highest Damage Level to 1.

See also Configuration.