Growling Orc

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Growling and shouting something about glittering stones and a chest the orc is about to push a shivering and dripping wet goblin into the pool. He turns around to look for some other victim to go diving for him, but there are no other goblins to be seen.

Keywords: orc, angry.
Level: 8.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: aggressive, steadfast.
Affects: detect hidden, infravision.


A growling orc is using:
<worn on wrist>     (Humming) a copper bracelet
A growling orc is carrying:
     the Tiger Jewel



Area: River Tunnels (Map).
Room: Giant, beautiful cave (portable).

Walking route from Nom: s, 7e, u, n, 3e, d, s, d, 2n, 2w, n, w, 2n, 2w, 2n. (note: crosses water terrain)
Walking route from Sol: 15e, 2s, 3e, u, n, 3e, d, s, d, 2n, 2w, n, w, 2n, 2w, 2n. (note: crosses water terrain)

A growling orc is portable; however, because there are other mobs with keywords "angry orc" in Midgaardia, one should use keywords "shivering goblin" instead to port to this room.