Pirate Quartermaster

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The quartermaster towers over the map on his desk as he contemplates the ship's next move. He is a giant pirate, with thick arms and a menacing glare. He ignores you completely and continues to stare at his maps.'

Keywords: pirate, quartermaster.
Level: 32.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invis, infravision.


The pirate quartermaster is using:
<used as light>     (Glowing) an oil lamp
<worn on feet>      knee-high pirate boots
<worn about waist>  a pirate's sash
<wielded>           a pirate's sling
<held>              5 barbed sling stones
The pirate quartermaster is carrying:



Area: S.S. Scurvy (Map).
Room(s): The quartermaster's keep (portable).

Walking route from Aelmon: 35s, 2e, 2u, s, 2e, [e], s. (note: crosses water terrain)

The pirate quartermaster is portable.