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Griffon Statistics Tables
Lowmort-Tier Griffon Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 16–23 (26) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23)
Int 15–20 (23) 16–23 (26) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23) 15–20 (23)
Wis 14–19 (22) 14–19 (22) 15–22 (25) 14–19 (22) 14–19 (22)
Dex 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 17–24 (27) 16–21 (24)
Con 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 16–21 (24) 17–24 (27)
Hero-Tier Griffon Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str 23–28 (31) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25)
Int 20–22 (25) 23–28 (31) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25) 20–22 (25)
Wis 19–21 (24) 19–21 (24) 22–27 (30) 19–21 (24) 19–21 (24)
Dex 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 24–29 (32) 21–23 (26)
Con 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 21–23 (26) 24–29 (32)
NOTES: numbers in each cell above are initial trained value – maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); class prime requisites are green.

The origins of these mysterious creatures are lost. They are a fearful fusion of feline and avian, and they assume the best attributes of each race; the head, beak, talons and wings of an eagle, and the strong body of a lion, along with the lion's tail and powerful hindquarters. With this powerful combination, Griffons are able to fly, see in the darkness with their piercing infravision, while using their formidable lion's claws and eagle's bite to rend flesh to pieces. It is also hard to hurt a griffon, for their thick leathery pelts provide a powerful racial armor protection. Griffons are creatures of great intelligence; unfortunately, their physical form is poorly designed for the subtle motions of spellcasting, and so they make poor spellcasters.

As with their bodies, their abilities are a mix of all. They are long-lived, and though they learn slowly, they are perhaps the most versatile of all the creatures in the realm.

Griffons are only available through the remort command.

  • Abbreviation: Grf.

*Must attain prestige before remort.


Griffons, akin to harpies, are good at most roles and classes (with the noticable exception of archery), though they excel at none.

Griffons do not receive any racial spell cost reductions, however they are not bad casters. They are no-fail at 97%. Mana gains, like nofail, are comparable to a gnome. They get very good hp gains.

They have a negative archery mod, a decent melee damage mod, and are relatively sneaky for their size.

While decent in gains and and abilities, and generally a very loveable race, the main flaw is the high TNL which is viewed by many as too high for the abilities presented.