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Revision as of 02:28, 21 August 2015 by Shadowtop (talk) (Added new gemstone types)
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Gemstones are how you can carry a large quantity of currency without dealing with all of the hassle of weight. Gemstones can be used for bartering in any store of AVATAR. These gemstones were created by the banking guild using love, care, and a bit of magic to guarantee equal value for equal types of gemstone.

Here are the gemstones currently in the game right now:
A small amethyst..............worth      2,000 gold coins.
A small topaz.................worth      4,000 gold coins.
A small moonstone.............worth      6,000 gold coins.
A citrine gemstone............worth      8,000 gold coins.
An aquamarine gemstone........worth     10,000 gold coins.
A sapphire....................worth     12,000 gold coins.
An emerald....................worth     15,000 gold coins.
A ruby........................worth     20,000 gold coins.
A catseye gemstone............worth     25,000 gold coins.
A diamond.....................worth     50,000 gold coins.
A glowing fizora gemstone.....worth    100,000 gold coins.
A fireheart gemstone..........worth    500,000 gold coins.
A widow tear gemstone.........worth  1,000,000 gold coins.
A radiant sunstone gemstone...worth  5,000,000 gold coins.
A seraphim pearl gemstone.....worth 10,000,000 gold coins.
An Eye of Snikt gemstone......worth 50,000,000 gold coins.

Gemstones, since they are created and regulated by the banks, are possible to withdraw or deposit within the banks themselves.

These objects are somtimes found together with Money. Some are also found in random lockboxes.

For information on where to find nice troves of money and/or gemstones around Midgaardia, see Treasure-Hunting.

See also Gemstone Values, Money, and Perfect Gemstones.