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Revision as of 04:19, 24 June 2008 by Ylem (talk) (Minor tweak to make it like other command formats.)
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You can get your items labeled at certain places like the Ent in Stonehall for a small fee. This label is visible to the person carrying the item only ( if they have switched on label-visibility with config +label ). The label can be changed as often as you may wish, or even removed.

You can label your item with multiple words up to 32 characters long. It is not possible to label arrows, food, and certain other types of objects. We're offering a potentially powerful tool to you. Treat it wisely.

WARNING#1: Color labels work... but we suggest you refrain from using them.

WARNING#2: The Immortal Staff can see what you add as a label. Abuse of current language and in-theme policies will be enforced and can result in repercussions if ignored. (If there's too much abuse, the command will no longer be offered to everyone.)

Syntax: label <object> <word(s)> OR label <object> remove

See also Labelers.