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Revision as of 17:34, 23 March 2006 by DaveGarber1975 (talk)
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This mans face is distorted into a mask of pain. It seems unbelievable that something as simple as the piece of wood he holds should be able to cause it. He rips his eyes of it and answers the question he sees in yours. 'Hah, no. Once this wand was a powerful thing, but now it is just a piece of broken wood. But to find it in the wrecked part of this old forest to the north, where shadows and creeping moss destroy the beauty, that is ... bad. It belonged to an old friend of mine, a mage, not the worst, not the best. But he must either have perished there, or he is the cause of it all. A long time before I lost contact to him he began to take up the study of the darker forces of nature, its twisted ways. He always believed he could control them, the same vain hope shared by so many others he read about - I just hope he does not control this disaster...'

Keywords: ranger, green, man.
Level: 39.
Alignment: heroic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: none.


A ranger is using:
<held>              a broken wand
A ranger is carrying:


A ranger is involved in Shadow Forest's Fused Wand Quest.


Area: Shadow Forest (Map).
Room: Within a cathedral of ancient trees (portable).

Walking route from white druid: n, 2w, s.

A ranger is portable.