Re-Animated Corpse Of Senex
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Senex, the founder of this ancient building, was entombed beneath it long before the Giants came and destroyed the city. Formerly a powerful and devious warrior, he appears to have been re-animated by some passing necromancer.
Keywords: animated, corpse, Senex.
Level: 29.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast, aggressive, undead, corpse-eater.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invis, infravision, sanctuary.
The re-animated corpse of Senex is using: Nothing.
The re-animated corpse of Senex is carrying: The Ancient Journal of Senex
Area: Senex Operis (Map).
Room(s): The Vault of Senex (cursed).
Walking route from Aelmon: 16s, 3w, 3n, [n], 3n, d, w, [w], w, 2s, [s].