Secretary To The Temple Of Werredan

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Standing tall and proud this young priest and clerk serves his God not with a sword, but with numbers, yes numbers. He peers over his legers and keeps the books balanced, ordering supplies and making sure the guards are all paid on time.

Keywords: secretary, priest, werredan.
Level: 30.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: citizen, steadfast.
Affects: none.


The secretary to the Temple of Werredan is using:
The secretary to the Temple of Werredan is carrying:
     a dark ornate key
     a dark gray key



Area: Temple of Midgaard (Map).
Room(s): Werredan's Temple Secretary's Office (portable).

Walking route from Sol: 3e, s, 3e, 3s, 5e, n, 12e, 2n, e, 2n, e, {n}, {w}, u, e, s, w, s.
Walking route from Aelmon: 5w, 2n, e, 2n, e, {n}, {w}, u, e, s, w, s.

Walking route from High Priest guildmaster: d, 2e, n, e, 2n, e, {n}, {w}, u, e, s, w, s.

The secretary to the Temple of Werredan is portable.