Signet Of Malafont

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description goes here
Type: ticket
Flags: nolocate
Weight: ?
Plane: Noctopia
Area: Obsidian Arena; Floor
Mob: Grand Duke Malafont

If you give this to the Weaver Mother she will tell you the following story about Grand Duke Malafont:

"Malafont. The original Grand Duke. He became the Queen's lover after the Fae began to war amongst themselves, and was so adept at the art of warfare that few doubted he would lead the Dark Fae armies to victory over Adrial's forces on every plane save perhaps Adrial's own. Many coveted his position as General of the Army of the Night, but the only one who could actually hope to defeat him, Yorimandil, had no desire to rule.

Perhaps nobody wished to usurp Malafont more than his own son, Zarradyn. Unfortunately he was also in the best position to do so, and he slew his father as he slept, taking the title of Duke and command of the armies of Noctopia. Alas for Zarradyn, he was not the tactician his father was, and he began to lose battle after battle, finally agreeing to peace with Adrial after the death of his own mother at the final battle of Avalon."

See Gear In Obsidian Arena; Floor for more information.