Stone Disc

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A large stone disc is here, covered in bizarre symbols.

Keyword(s): stone disc symbols.
Level(s): 51.
Type: treasure.
Quality: 20 hps.
Weight: 5 lbs.
Flag(s): magic.

The stone tablet is circular, in the shape of a shining sun with a
dragon in front of it, spreading its wings. Interlaid around the rays
of the sun are a series of 16 bizarre symbols resembling dragons. On
top of these symbols, someone has painted in a compass rose with the
four cardinal directions.

As you grip this stone, a vision of history long forgotten assails you.

T'monn turns the disc several ways in his hands. At length, he

"This... is an ancient dragon calendar, the words and compass rose
... are... an attempt to translate a path... to write a path through
history. In chronological order it's...

Down, down, down, down, south, east, up, south, west, west, west, up,
north, north, east, south, up, up, west, north, down, west, south,
east, east, up north."

