TinTin++ Run Stats Counter

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This is a very basic example of a run stat counting trigger. It counts the number of kills and the amount of experience you make.


Put the following into a file in your tintin++ folder and use #read <filename> while in tintin to load them up. Though you probably want them to autoload with your character.

#var runkills 0;
#var runexp 0;
#act {^You receive %1 experience points.} {#math runkills {$runkills + 1};#math runexp {$runexp + %1}}
#alias echorun {#echo {Exp: $runexp Kills: $runkills}}
#alias showrun {gtell Exp: $runexp Kills: $runkills}
#alias resetrun {#var runkills 0;#var runexp 0;#CR}


Use echorun to see the stats, showrun to tell the group, and resetrun to reset the counter. You can also add them to a custom prompt if you'd like!