From Avatar
No one but the queen of all reptiles could do this job so beautifully nor so deadly. Feared not only at the negotiating table, but also by the smaller races, this sneaky reptile has no limits as to what she will do to attain her goals.
Diplomatic Corps
Aeldiskaa represents Lizardmen, Draconians, and Troglodytes in the Diplomatic Corps.
Area: Diplomatic Corps (Map).
Room: A mission from the forests and dales (safe, cursed).
Walking route from Aelmon: 8n, 7w, [s], d, 2n, 2w, n
Level 10-19
Crystalmir Lake (Map), Town Of Solace (Map)
Level 20-29
Thrall Swamp (Map), Igecsoz (Map),
Level 30-39
Crescent Bog (Map), Elven Foothills (Map), Nocte Abbey (Map)
Level 40-49
Level 50-Hero 10
Summoning (Map), Lizard Island (Map), Valley Of The Sun (Map)