From Avatar
There have been many rumors over the years regarding a group of divine adherents who have come to be known as Viziers. Some people whisper about suspected links to a fallen god from the Second Giant-Ent war while others joyfully tell tales of the miraculous healing they have received from the order. Their utter reluctance to use any form of weapons or shields while staunchly supporting their comrades has earned them a grudging form of respect despite their ... unusual methods. The following is a torn off page from a Vizier recruitment brochure found in Midgaard: ********************************************************* The Bond is Love! When life is cold and dark and cruel The Bond is Love! Where "pious" men deceive and trick and fool The Bond is Love! If you yearn for wisdom and peace and truth The Bond is Love! Come join us and join the GREAT BOND The Bond is Love! The Bond is Love! *********************************************************
Abbreviation: Viz.
Viziers in General
All viziers learn both healing and damage spells, area as well as targeted. However they cannot wield or hold (offhand) items and cannot worship.
Vizier Creation
To become a Vizier you need ...
- Level 50 Cleric.
Once these requirements have been met, seek out Alcanus (portable) in the [[Second Level of Tower ]] in Midgaard, and she will induct you.
Alcanus is portalable however should you wish to walk from Aelmon follow this route:
West, west, south, south, up
Viziers at Hero Tier
Soloing: ??? with difficulty?
Tanking: ??? badly?
Hitting: ??? only via spells?
Healing: ??? quite well?
Viziers at Lord Tier
Vizier Remort Options
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