Category:Lord Tank Gear
From Avatar
<used as light> | Guiding Light Of Ronan (-100, manifest) or Inferno Stone (-100) | |
2x | <worn on finger> | Jean's Ruby Ring (-50, manifest), Once-Sundered Ring or Elemental Earth Ring (-40) |
2x | <worn around neck> | Ruling Glyph (-50) |
<worn on body> | Ironhand's Armor (-130, manifest) or Silver Chestplate (-120) | |
<worn on head> | Ferret's Hood (-120, manifest) or Jeweled Crown Of Aziz-Ra (-110) | |
<worn on legs> | Living Daemonstone | |
<worn on feet> | Boots Of The Conquerer | |
<worn on hands> | Zarradyn's Gauntlets or Open Palm | |
<worn on arms> | Black Armband | |
<held in offhand> | Shield Of Lords (-125)** | |
<worn about body> | a pair of stone wings | |
<worn about waist> | Blazing Balteus or Gold Belly Chain | |
2x | <worn on wrist> | Kzintium Blade Bracer |
<wielded> | Gray Staff or Katar Forged From Kzintium* | |
<held> | DaWiz's Sceptre Of Might (-50, manifest) or Lodestone (-40) |
* Although not the best AC wise (-18) some people prefer to use runed lord weapons for wields namely the Astral Longsword as it is an Ethereal weapon so it can not be disarmed or the Ethereal Blade which has saves but despite the name is not an Ethereal weapon.
** Similarly, although the Shield Of Shadows has less ac than the Shield Of Lords it has a nice saves bonus (which might be more useful than the lost ac at lord – see Armor Class Advice for Lord Tanks).
Pages in category "Lord Tank Gear"
The following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total.