Silent Slice Of Void
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Revision as of 10:03, 29 December 2008 by Ylem (talk) (Silent Slice of Void moved to Silent Slice Of Void: Naming convention)
No rage or fury accompanies this emptiness as it surges free of the broken servitor that imprisoned it. An ache creeps into your soul as this elemental tries to drag you into the void by force!
Keywords: slice, void
Level: 70.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: sanctuary, aggressive, flying.
Silent Slice of Void is carrying: the cold iron master key
As the elemental dissipates, it leaves behind a trace of its essence.
The Empty Servitor is involved in Citadel Of Arcanists' Staff of Void Quest.
Area: Citadel Of Arcanists (Map).
Room(s): Arcanist's stairwell
Walking route from vymm: [s],u,[e],e,[e],u.
It is not portable.