Crumpled Note
From Avatar
Written in an archaic form of kzinti, very little of this note is dechiperable.
"sthawur Evolutionary awuirs irsawon grherurusth insthurherurirssth in orroingr uch isthaw sthawur herurirsuruherechaw on "Szi's Armband of Wickedness". awur urriureurirs isth irr utt grherurusthriry stho ouher chrunirs oher itgruuhert i sthheroochirs echun ur uruichchurt isthaw irsuechaw chourher."
"The Evolutionary has shown great interest in following up with the research on "Szi's Armband of Wickedness". He believes it will add greatly to our plans for Midgaard if troops can be equipped with such power."
Evolutionary : emerald
Type: trash
Flags: glow hum magic
Weight: 5 lbs
Level: 125
Mob: A kzinti scientist
Area: Savage Jungle