Beholder Overseer

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An overseer stands here, gazing into the scrying pool and micromanaging the work of his minions. It has 13 limbs arranged like the branches of a tree, each with a small eye at the tip. It sits on a root like base, and looks totally immobile.

Keywords: overseer, beholder, fleshy, tree.
Level: 49.
Alignment: Demonic.
Flags: Steadfast, Adept.
Affects: Sanctuary, Detect Hidden, Detect Invis.


A Beholder overseer is using:
<worn on wrist>     (Glowing) a beholder insignia
<wielded>           a spiked beholder eyestalk
A Beholder overseer is carrying:
     a rune-inscribed key


Surrounded by aggressive mobs.


Area: Category: Labyrinth Of Despair (Map).
Room: At a scrying pool (cursed).

Walking route from Beholder Spectator: dsw.

See Eye Of The Beholder for more information.