Lua Scripting for Mudlet

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Basic Info

Lua is used by many game engines such as World of Warcraft. It lets you create custom UI.

Mudlet ( is an open source mud client that works on PC and Mac that uses it. It's forum has links to help pages for Mudlet and Lua and RegEx.


Bear in mind the gauges and tabs you see are not part of the default client. They are custom UI from this package.


Mudlet Package files

I had to link it externally.

  1. Download the file, extract the 3 XML files.
  2. Open Mudlet. Load a Profile.
  3. Click on Package Manager and Install each one

Associated Configs and Mud Side Aliases

conf -blank
prompt <-|BR|%h/%Hhp |BG|%m/%Mmp |BW|%v/%Vmv
prompt2 |BP| %a |BB|%Ttnl|N|-> <|BC|%w/%W|N|>%n

alias r rescue %1
alias in inspect %1
alias wowo open wooden:get all wooden:drop wooden:sac wooden:inspect lockbox

Script Explanations

There are a few major components, that will be explained at this point. The rest can be figured out by inspection.

  • Chat - takes all communications and puts it into separate tabs on the right: tell, group, public
  • Prompt - makes visual stat and progress gauges and removes the constant prompts
  • Auto Rescue - maintains and lets you manage the Rescue List
    • local commands: ar on, ar off, ar add ____, ar remove ____, ar show, ar clear
    • triggered commands from group tell: gt add me, gt remove me
  • Run Triggers
  • Spell Bot - a mid run spell bot. not comprehensive
    • local commands: sb on, sb off
    • currently does by tell: sanc, frenzy, cd, cp, cb, pp ___, nex ___
  • Lockboxes - untraps, picks, loots, and sacrifices all lockboxes in inventory

For Help or Bugs

Message Feenom