Outsider Gang-Member

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Apparently bathing is not a part of the Outsiders' routine. This little rogue is covered in dirt, his hair is thick and matted, and his clothes reek like the Royal Stables after a batch of bad hay.

Keywords: Outsider, rogue, thief.
Level: 14.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: wimpy.
Affects: detect hidden, move hidden.


An Outsider gang-member is using:
<worn on body>      boiled leather armor
<worn on legs>      boiled leather leggings
<worn on feet>      boiled leather boots
<worn on arms>      boiled leather sleeves
An Outsider gang-member is carrying:


Gear varies from mob to mob.


Area: The Outsiders (Map).

An Outsider gang-member wanders.

An Outsider gang-member is portable.