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Speedwalking is a method where players "stack" commands to quickly bypass a dangerous mob, a water-filled room where they might drown, or other hazards.

Players can accomplish this by one of three methods: using their particular client software, by the use of the in-game activator character, or by creating a temporary alias.

To use the client software, reference that particular program's helpfiles. As an example, CMud uses the ";" character as a default activator, although this can be changed by user preference.

In game, the "=" equals sign is the default activator character. To quickly move three rooms west, open a north door and move one room north, the command would be:

w=w=w=open n=n

Any valid AVATAR command can be stacked in this manner with equals signs in between commands.

To create a temporary alias, the player would type the following in preparation:

alias temp w:w:w:open n:n

To activate the alias when ready, the player types: temp

The mud would then receive the commands w w w open n n in quick succession.

Ideally, any of these methods should get you past the danger area, however there is a chance an aggressive mob may get a quick hit in, which will cancel out the rest of the commands and leave you stuck in the middle of a fight.