Zmud Group Filter

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This script will allow you to filter the group list to a specific subset of characters. It is designed for Zmud, but should work with slight modifications with Cmud. (In particular, the =~ operator must be changed, though Cmud will tell you this.)

The Guts

This is the alias, check, that you use in place of the group command. It accepts either the name of a character or a keyword. (In this example, it's tanks.)

#ALIAS check {
  #if (%numparam( ) != 0) {
    #if (%lower( %1) =~ "tanks") {#var watch @tanks} {#var watch %1}
    #T+ check_trigger_on

This pipe-delimeted string holds our list of tanks. It's up to you to populate it. Remember to use |, but the #additem and #delitem commands will do this for you.

#VAR tanks {}

This variable is a list of characters we want to see. You never need to touch this.

#VAR watch {}

This trigger simply turns on the following triggers at the start of the group list output.

#TRIGGER "check_trigger_on" {^##| Level Name Pos HitPoints ManaPoints MovePoints TNL Align$} {
  #T+ check_trigger
  #T+ check_trigger_off
  #T- check_trigger_on
  } "" {disable}

This does the actual filtering. It's currently configured to only work in hero and lord groups.

#TRIGGER "check_trigger" {^{| }%d|{| | }%d {Lord|Hero} (%w)%s{Stand|Sleep|Rest|Fight|STUN!|DROWN}%s(%n)/(%d)%s(%n)/(%d)%s%n/%d%s%d%s%n$} {#if (!%ismember( %lower( %1), %lower( @watch))) {#gag}} "" {disable}

This disables all the triggers so that the group command works properly and will not be filtered. It is triggered by a blank line; namely, the one between the group output and your next prompt. This depends on having config +NEWLINE turned on! If it is off, this trigger will have to be custom tailored to fire on your specific prompt!

#TRIGGER "check_trigger_off" {^$} {
  #T- check_trigger
  #T- check_trigger_off
  } "" {disable}


With the script running, use the check alias with the name of a player to view a sort of poor man's Saving Grace, which is not extremely useful. More to the point of this script, use check with a keyword to filter your group list to a specific subset. (The example keyword in the script is tanks, so if you typed check tanks you would see a brief status of your group's hit points.) If you want to add more keywords, add the appropriate #if statements into the check alias, and create a variable to store the names. If you use the alias with a keyword, you'll need to have its variable populated with names before running. You can either do this manually, or if you have a group breakdown script that categorizes group members, you can edit the check alias to reference the variables that your breakdown script uses.

All of the triggers start disabled and disable themselves after use, so the group command will still work as normal.