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Syntax: tell <player> <message>

The TELL command allows you to send a private message to a single target player anywhere in the mud world, without other players seeing it.

If the recipient is in a lag state due to a skill or spell such as sharpen, you'll receive a message telling you so.


Syntax: reply <message>
Syntax: reply lock

REPLY sends a message to the last player who sent you a TELL. REPLY will work even if you can't see the player, and without revealing their identity.

It is wise to use REPLY LOCK when involved in an extended conversation, in order to avoid sending a reply to the wrong person (commonly called a mis-tell, or "mt" for short). Once your replies are "locked" onto a player, subsequent replies will go to that player only, and not be misdirected by further tells to you.


Syntax: afkreply <message> (sets message)
afkreply <none> (shows current message)
afkreply reset (clears afk reply)

This command lets you customize the message that is sent to other players that send you tells while you are AFK. For players, this message appears as a tell and has a limit of 75 letters.


Syntax: forget <player>

It is possible to make someone who is replying to you, "forget" you. this means that you can "break" a reply if it's no longer welcome. This also breaks reply lock.