Knight (Haunted Forest)
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A huge shivering Knight stands before you. He looks very confused, and also very cold. "I've been lost in this cave forever." He says, taking a closer look at you. "Say, Aren't you the King's evil half brother Johnathan?" Madness is in his eyes. He grits his teeth and prepares to kill you.
Keywords: knight, ??, ??.
Scan Description:???
Level: 55.
Alignment: ??.
Flags: detect invis, agressive.
Affects: sanctuary, invis.
A Knight is using: <worn on fbody> a silver breast plate <worn on head> a silver celtic helm <wielded> a silver poinard
A Knight is carrying: Nothing.
Port to Kelsee, have pass door up and go 5s 2e 2s d 3e. He is aggie and wields and while can detect invis, cannot detect hidden. Start fight with area spell or go visible and let him attack.
Area: The Haunted Forest (Map).
Room: Cold Cave Tunnel