Racial Damage Modifier

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Every race has a racial damage modifier associated with it. This number is factored in to all physical damage dealing abilities, and does not affect spells (though apparently it does affect damage from psi telekinetic spells like Dancing Weapon and Fandango). Because we can't be sure exactly what the number is, we have simply assigned each race a rating of -1 to 4, with -1 being a penalty to physical damage, 0 meaning "no modifier", and 4 being the best modifier possible.

There is also a separate archery damage modifier for each race.

Please note that all of this information has been gleaned from race pages here as well as discussion in-game, and is subject to change at any time. Also, entries for evolution races should reflect their maximum (highest evolve).

Divine 4
Legendary 3
Great 2
Good 1
Average 0
Terrible -1

Creatable Races Damage Modifiers
Race  Size  Racial Damage Modifier
Centaur 4L 0
Deep Gnome 2S 0
Draconian 3M 1
Drow 3M 0
Duergar 2S 0
Dwarf 2S 0
Elf 3M 0
Ent 4vL 3
Firedrake 4vS-vL -1 to 3.5
Gargoyle 3M 1
Giant 4vL 2
Gnome 2S 0
Goblin 2S -1
Halfling 2S 0
Half-Elf 3M 0
Half-Orc 3M 0
Harpy 3M 0
Human 3M 0
Imp 2vS-vL -1.5 to 2.5
Kobold 2S -1.5
Kzinti 3M 0
Lizardmen 3M 0
Ogres 4L 1
Orc 3M 1
Troglodyte 3M 0

Remort Races Damage Modifiers
Race  Size  Racial Damage Modifier
Demonseed 2S 0.5
Dragon 4vL 2 (BkD) - 2.5 (rest)
Golem 4L 3
Griffon 4L 1
High Elf 3M 0
Hobgoblin 2S -1
Minotaur 4L 2
Miraar 3M 0
Sprite 1vS 0
Troll 4L 1
Tuataur 3M 0