Spectre Of A Gladiator (Laquearius)

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The Laquearius were perhaps the most oddly armed. With very little armor, each of these gladiators was issued a noose and a stick, by which means he could strangle his opponent.

Keywords: spectre, gladiator, Laquearius.
Level: 22.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast, undead.
Affects: pass door.


Spectre of a gladiator is using:
<held in offhand>   a Long Noose
<wielded>           a Short Stick
Spectre of a gladiator is carrying:


Note that Senex Operis' Ancient Arena contains several gladiator spectres, all of which are portable, but only this one has keyword Laquearius.


Area: Senex Operis (Map).
Room(s): The Ancient Arena (portable).

Walking route from Aelmon: 16s, 4w, 3n, [n], n.

Spectre of a gladiator is portable.