Difference between revisions of "Map Of The Sea Of Strayed Hopes"

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Latest revision as of 13:37, 14 August 2017

 |  N                                                                   |
 |W + E               Map of the Sea of Strayed Hopes      Cliffs  /    |
 |  S                                                          ___/     |
 |         _____________          ___|____    //         _____/         |
 | _      /             \________| Mervue |_//__________/               |
 |  \____|                                                       ,---.  |
 |       ,._                                                     `.15,' |
 |      | 1 |                                                  __       |
 |      `..-'                                   Pirates!     ,14 '      |
 |          ,---.        ??                                  '.__/      |
 |         |  2  |                                       __             |
 |  The     '---'                             ,'`.      /13 \           |
 | Great                                      \12'      `.--'           |
 |  Sea     ,'`--.        ,5-,                             _            |
 |          \ 3  /  __    \__'                           .11 \          |
 |           `--'  / 4 \                            ,--. `.--'          |
 |                 `._,'    ,--.             __ _   \10'                |
 |                          \6_/            / 9  \                      |
 |   ___                                    '___,-'                     |
 |  / 7 |              _____,--'-,          _                           |
 |  '--'            __/   Padmasa \        ( 8 )                        |

                            - Ye Olde Map Key -

 1) Bloodsong Island    6) Tainted Isle        11) Dragon's Atoll
 2) Gorn's Anchor       7) Isle of Nubrius     12) Isle of NaamBres'Shho
 3) Greed's Gallows     8) Tortuga Cay         13) Lizard Isle
 4) Dream Steppes       9) Island of Utami     14) Redtooth Isle
 5) Pyrrus Isle        10) Isle of the Lost    15) Verdant Isle

Keyword(s): map, ocean, sea, 'strayed hopes'.
Level(s): 0.
Type: scroll.
Slot(s): none.
Quality: 1 hps.
Weight: 2 lbs.
Flag(s): none.


Other ASCII maps:

See also Maps.


Area: Midgaard (Map).
Mob(s): Chuckie.

Chuckie sells these. See his page for more information.