Object Slots

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Each object has a defined set of "slots" in which it may be worn. Objects that are either lights, armor, weapons, ammunition, staves, or wands normally may be worn while objects of other types normally may not, although there are various exceptions. Usually, objects may be worn in only one slot, if any, although, once again, there are various exceptions. Slots in which gear may (or may not) be worn are as follows:

<used as light>
<worn on finger>
<worn on finger>
<worn around neck>
<worn around neck>
<worn on body>
<worn on head>
<worn on legs>
<worn on feet>
<worn on hands>
<worn on arms>
<held in offhand>
<worn about body>
<worn about waist>
<worn on wrist>
<worn on wrist>