Ornate Silver Key
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This key bears the symbol of Tul-Sith on one side and the personal sigil of Tul-Sith's high priestess on the other.
Keyword(s): silver, ornate, key.
Level(s): 29-31, 34-36.
Type: key.
Slot(s): none.
Quality: 5 hps.
Weight: 1 lbs.
Flag(s): none.
This key unlocks a series of doors. It opens the door south of The Office of the Secretary to the Temple of Tul-Sith, east of Entry Chamber to the High Priestess of Tul-Sith's Quarters, south of The Office of the High Priestess of Tul-Sith, and up from Private Quarters of the High Priestess of Tul-Sith.
Area: Temple of Midgaard (Map).
Mob(s): the High Priestess of Tul-Sith.
See the High Priestess of Tul-Sith for more information.