Half Of The Sundered Ring (Queen)

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Visions of the Willow Kingdom burst forth, the crystal palace of Avalon sparkling in the twilight. Yet an inky blackness lurks beyond this image, her hand commanding an legion of ebony archers. Arrows fly, and Avalon crumbles to the ground, mortally wounded.

But even her own blood, spilled at dawn as Adrial stands over her body, is not enough to resurrect this now-forgotten place.

Keyword(s): half, ring, jagged, shards, diamond, obsidian.
Level(s): 125.
Type: ticket.
Slot(s): none.
Quality: 8 hps.
Weight: 1 lbs.
Flag(s): magic, bless, nolocate.


This object is used in the creation of the Once-Sundered Ring.

The only way to tell this ticket apart from the other ticket needed is by the description. Previously the halves spawned with 8 hp (Duke) and 10 hp (Queen), however this was changed some years back and now they both have 8hp. Check description before buying!


Plane: Noctopia
Area: Obsidian Arena; Stands (Map).
Mob(s): Dark Queen Zydarielle (Noctopia).

See Gear In Obsidian Arena; Stands for information on how to obtain this item.