Dirty Troll

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The beast looks at you from blood shot eyes, yawning and scratching its throat with noticeable pleasure. It's a troll! And one that is wearing armor and a huge halberd too! Waiting for the attack you raise your weapon, but nothing happens. You realize that this creature must have come here to die, and would rather be left alone. For a moment the idea flashes up you could deprive the old troll from its armor - but considering the monstrous thing further you realize that it could probably still slay you offhandedly.

Keywords: troll, dirty.
Level: 10.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: infravision.


A dirty troll is using:
<worn on body>      (Glowing) a glowing suit of banded mail
<wielded>           the mighty halberd
A dirty troll is carrying:



Area: River Tunnels (Map).
Room: A wet ledge (portable).

Walking route from Nom: s, 7e, u, n, 3e, d, s, d, 2n, 2w, n, 4w, s, w. (note: crosses water terrain)
Walking route from Sol: 15e, 2s, 3e, u, n, 3e, d, s, d, 2n, 2w, n, 4w, s, w. (note: crosses water terrain)

A dirty troll is portable.