Trolls are generally found in rather uninhabited places, and vary greatly in their physical appearance. What they do all seem to have in common is that they are quite strong, extremely hardy, and have an amazing capacity to heal damage quickly. While not too smart, not too wise, and being shunned by most races, trolls are not so bad as people might think, and can be quite a welcome addition to any group. Trolls are protected by their leather-like skin, and can utilize their claws to inflict damage in addition to using weapons. They shun direct sunlight however, and lose their incredible capacity to heal damage when the sun is upon them. Trolls are only available via the remort command.
- Abbreviation: Trl.
- Racial Size: large.
- Racial TNL: 1333 XP.
- Well-Suited to Be: berserkers, black circle initiates*, bodyguards, monks, rangers, shadowfists, warriors.
- Ill-Suited to Be: fusiliers.
*Must attain prestige before remort.
Trolls are interesting due to their vaunted ability to regenerate any and all wounds within a short time frame. This allows them to effectively double their hp for the purposes of taking damage, and when combined with natural armor and high hp gains, they excel at a role of a tank.
However, this ability is powerful enough that players are known to make trolls of all classes, from spellcasters (disregarding smaller mana gains and higher spell costs for purposes of surviving ability), rogues (ignoring the possibly bad effect troll's size has on stealth checks), etc. They fail spells about equivalent to a human.
Trolls have no archery mod, a decent melee damage mod, and have a small penalty to stealth.