Flask Of Marlots Ol' Special
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Revision as of 13:17, 6 June 2006 by DaveGarber1975 (talk)
Marlot's own home brewed ale is infamous throughout Mt Durr even though few have ever actually drunk some. It is rumoured to be a panacea for all ills, a drink so strong, it will inebriate the strongest and yet leave no hangover.
Level 38-40 spells of: 'cure serious' 'cure disease' 'cure poison'.
Keyword(s): marlot, old, special, ale, flask.
Level(s): 24.
Type: potion.
Slot(s): none.
Quality: 1 hps.
Weight: 2 lbs.
Flag(s): glow, magic.
See also Suggested Healing Gear and Suggested Curative Gear.
Area: Mt Durr (Map).
Quest: Flask of Marlots Ol' Special Quest.
See Flask of Marlots Ol' Special Quest for more information.