Light Blue Egg
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The guineafowl egg has long been believed to have mythical healing properties. They are rare and ferociously defended by the mother gunieafowl. This particular egg is small and a uniform powder blue. It gives off a light glow of the same blue. The resulting halo almost makes those who look at it feel warm and welcome. It is almost begging to be picked up...
Level 6 spells of: 'cure light'.
Keyword(s): guineafowl, egg.
Level(s): 10.
Type: pill.
Slot(s): none.
Quality: 1 hps.
Weight: 1 lbs.
Flag(s): glow.
Area: Sableroix Manor (Map).
Room(s): A Dense Thicket of Tree (portable) in a scrubby looking nest.
Walking route from A Pangolin: 3e, s, 2e, s.