Fishing Spear
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This is one of the unique fishing spears used by the fishermen of Icewolf. It is a three-pronged spear. The two side prongs are longer than the center one and have points that turn in. Once the center point spears the fish the side prongs hold it in place as it is pulled from the water.
Damage is 15 to 41-42 (average 28). Modifies damage roll by 3 continuous.
Keyword(s): fishing, spear.
Level(s): 39-41.
Type: weapon.
Slot(s): <wielded>.
Quality: 50 hps.
Weight: 5 lbs.
Flag(s): none.
Area: Icewolf (Map).
Mob(s): The master canoe builder.
See The master canoe builder for more information.