Apex Harpy
Vicious and cruel, the apex harpies leave in the furthest peaks of the mountains. They take great pride in coating their feathers with the blood of their fallen prey.
Keywords: harpy, apex.
Scan Description: A hideous winged creature screams at you, spewing spittle.
Level: 73.
Alignment: Demonic.
Flags: aggressive.
Affects: Sneak.
Apex Harpy is using: <wielded> Harpy Bow
Apex Harpy is carrying: ??
Mob first occurs 3n, 1e, 1u from the area's entrance (and safe room), but is found in other rooms with an up exit. Occasionally one can encounter one harpy in the room, but generally they're found in 3s. Their sniping is excruciatingly painful and can often kill even higher level heroes who've just finished another mob in an adjacent room, and are thus worse for wear hp-wise. Lowheroes are 1-hit kills, generally. Their melee is considerably less painful than their shooting, but they are still dangerous to fight (invis wraiths may wander in, etc.).
Area: Abishai's Pass (Map).
Apex Harpy wanders.