Burning Hands
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Burning hands allows the spellcaster to inflict damage to all mobs in a room, by shooting jets of flames from the spellcaster's hands. The amount of damage is determined by the level of the spellcaster. As with all area spells, there is no need to specify a target.
Prerequisite(s): none.
Syntax: cast 'burning hands'.
Lowmort mages may find this spell handy when fighting multiple mobs simultaneously, though this is not generally a good idea for "splatty" mages. It may also be useful for tanks wanting to initiate combat with invisible mobs, particularly those mobs that are more than three levels higher and thus cannot be detected.
See Also: Area Spells
- Skills And Spells
- Spells
- Arcane Spells
- Area Spells
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- Mage Lowmort Skills And Spells
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- Rogue Hero Skills And Spells
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- Sorcerer Hero Skills And Spells
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- Skills And Spells That Harm Mobs