Charge Shield

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This spell allows a magic user to store one of several types of charges in a shield item. When an attacker strikes the shield, the charge will go off, harming them. There is a chance, dependent on the innate magical skill of the user, that the charge will backfire on them. Number and type of charges can be seen by identifying a charged item. Damage to the shield can be reduced by Consecrate, or eliminated by Major Ward or the appropriate elemental ward. Below are the types of charges. The stronger ones are harder to cast. A shield cannot take a charge unless it is higher level than listed.

Venom            0       Poison           No damage to shield/foe, +poison
Flash            0       Blindness        No damage to shield/foe, +blindness
Jolt             10      Chain Lightning  Small damage to shield and foe
Frostbite        30      Icestrike        Moderate damage to shield and foe
Flametongue      51      Fireball         Large damage to shield and foe
Arc Lightning    51      Chain Lightning  Moderate damage to shield and area damage to foes

Prerequisite(s): Enchant Armor.

Syntax: cast 'charge shield' <shield> <charge type>.

This spell is highly useful to hero mage soloers and tanks in maximizing their overall combat damage. Even mage hitters or healers who get hit only occasionally may enjoy a charged shield's added damage on those occasions.

A charged shield does more damage the higher its level, so cast a few wards on one as needed to get the highest usable level for you.