Darklin Guard

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Very protective of their young, this darklin stands guard watching for those few brave non-darklins who dare to enter the nursery.

Keywords: darklin, guard, ant.
Level: 12.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast (some), kleptomaniac (some), poisonous (some).
Affects: infravision.


A darklin guard is using:
<worn about body>   a darklin scale or a thick darklin scale
<wielded>           darklin mandibles or sharp darklin mandibles


There are various guards in the area, and they all carry similar equipment. The directions below are to just one of such guards.


Area: Darklin Hole (Map).
Room(s): Entrance to the Nursery.

Walking route from the room right after stepping in the hole: w, w, d, s.