Devilish Talisman

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On the ground is a small talisman which radiates a tangible evil.

You look at a devilish talisman in your inventory...
The talisman is a red circular stone object hanging from a metallic chain. It seems to pulse with a life of its own, and you feel uncomfortable being anywhere near it.

Engraved in the center is one word. Merely reading the word induces fright.

This item seems to be staff.
It weighs approximately 5 lbs.
This item appears meant to be held in the hands.

Object 'talisman devilish' type staff, extra flags evil.
Weight 5, value 9600, level 125.
Object Quality (150 / 150 hps)
Has 5(5) charges at level 99 'flamestrike'.
Modifies hp by -10 continuous