From Avatar
Dunk didn't do a very good job in stopping you. In fact, if he didn't aim with his eyes closed you'd be dead right now.
Keywords: Dunk, pixie.
Level: 2.
Alignment: Apathetic.
Flags: Steadfast, kleptomaniac.
Affects: infravision
HitPoints: 14
Dunk is using: <wielded> a pixie crossbow <held> 10 standard bolts
Dunk is carrying: Nothing.
It's a pixie of the Cult of Bonk. They're not that scary:)
Area: Cult of Bonk (Map).
Room: Guardpost One of the Cult of Bonk (portable).
Walking route from Nom: e, 2d, 2n, {n}
Walking route from Sol: ??
Walking route from Aelmon ??