Elemental Giant Quest

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Hill giants (Gia) can change their elemental nature and become one of the elemental giants at Lord 25 or later. Once they switch they can change elements by reverting to ordinary gia and then redoing the quest again for another element.

If you make an elemental giant and then remort, you will be stuck with it until lord 25, but this shouldn't be an issue.

Quest outline is virtually identical for all 4 elements:

  1. shift to appropriate plane (see help elemental giant quests)
  2. teleport to the elemental giant quest trainer (which is usually a simple pp fire giant, pp stone giant etc.)
  3. He will tell you to go and visit a room that's related to the element - this can be anything from doing a sceptre run for FiG to a dstone run when going StG. There are several different target rooms for each elemental race so you cannot know which one you will need to do.
  4. At appropriate room you will get a message claiming you are now ready to switch elements.
  5. Return to the quest mob and he will offer you a choice of a reroll. Rerolls are always atheist and will always cost you - if you are a wartype you will lose your Werredan-begotten HP, if you were a psionic you will lose your Shizaga-generated mana, etc. Generally, rerolls are not something you ever wish to do.
  6. You have to confirm and viola, elemental giant.