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Here stands the demigod Erashnak. Through years of dedicated service Erashnak has gained the favour of her god. From her physical presence you can see why she has been so successful. She stands head and shoulders above her brethren. Her hair is platted and trails down her back to her knees. Upon her body she wears a breastplate of hardened iron; a gift from her god. On her wrists she wears a pair of jewel encrusted arm guards which sparkle in the pale light of this realm. Upon her legs you see a pair of expertly fashioned leggings. They bear artistic impressions of her exploits in Eragora. Finally, your attention is drawn to a massive mace which she holds in both hands. Prodruding from each end are a series of large spikes. Just one clean hit would be enough to impale you!

Keywords: demigod, erashnak.
Level: 85.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: steadfast, very aggressive.
Affects: detect invis, detect hidden, infravision

The demigod Erashnak is using:
<worn on body>      [Pristine  ] (Humming) a hardened iron breastplate
<worn on legs>      [Pristine  ] painted leggings
<worn on wrist>     [Pristine  ] (Glowing) jewelled wrist guards
<worn on wrist>     [Pristine  ] (Glowing) jewelled wrist guards
<wielded>           [Pristine  ] (Glowing) (Humming) a massive two-headed mace

You peek at the inventory:
    [Pristine  ] wand of the moon


Erashnak is the area "boss", ending the Suntamer Quest.


Area: Mountain Tunnels (Map).
Room: A mysterious enclave!