Feenom's Mudlet Package
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Mudlet Package files[edit]
I had to link it externally.
- Download the file, extract the 3 XML files.
- Open Mudlet. Load a Profile.
- Click on Package Manager and Install each one
Associated Configs and Mud Side Aliases[edit]
conf -blank
prompt <-|BR|%h/%Hhp |BG|%m/%Mmp |BW|%v/%Vmv
prompt2 |BP| %a |BB|%Ttnl|N|-> <|BC|%w/%W|N|>%n
alias r rescue %1
alias in inspect %1
alias wowo open wooden:get all wooden:drop wooden:sac wooden:inspect lockbox
Script Explanations[edit]
There are a few major components, that will be explained at this point. The rest can be figured out by inspection.
- Chat - takes all communications and puts it into separate tabs on the right: tell, group, public
- Prompt - makes visual stat and progress gauges and removes the constant prompts
- Auto Rescue - maintains and lets you manage the Rescue List
- local commands: ar on, ar off, ar add ____, ar remove ____, ar show, ar clear
- triggered commands from group tell: gt add me, gt remove me
- Run Triggers
- Spell Bot - a mid run spell bot. not comprehensive
- local commands: sb on, sb off
- currently does by tell: sanc, frenzy, cd, cp, cb, pp ___, nex ___
- Lockboxes - untraps, picks, loots, and sacrifices all lockboxes in inventory
For Help or Bugs[edit]
Message Feenom