Giants' Nightmare

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The image of the legendary slayer of the Giant known as Goliath shimmers, and twirls a glowing white stone in a leather sling.

Keywords: giant, nightmare, ??.
Scan Description: An athletic looking small, young man twirls a sling.
Level: 75.
Alignment: ???.
Flags: sentinel
Affects: ??, ??.


The Giants' Nightmare is using:
<wielded>           david's sling
<held>              a few small stones
The Giants' Nightmare is carrying:


Enter the window next to Eschard. Then go north, west, south.

The mob is non-aggie and the room is safe to sleep in; no other mobs will wander in.

The stones are explosive sling stones. There are 7 of them on the mob.


Area: Veil of Ecstasy (Map).
Room: cursed