Glorious Conquest
The clerics of Werredan inspire acts of valour in those around them. Their secrets are now available to all clerics. This spell will increase the experience gains of characters allied to a cleric casting this spell when foes significantly stronger than the group are defeated.
Individual clerics will have different spell strengths influenced by how closely aspects of their deities correspond with those of Werredan.
This is a powerful pantheon spell. Any single cleric can only maintain (i.e. be the caster of) one of these spells at any given time.
Syntax: cast 'glorious conquest'
This spell has a base duration of 8 ticks at Hero (and Lord?).
The exact effect of the spell differs from cleric to cleric, largely depending on which god the caster worships, but also apparently to an extent depending on the caster's race. The power of the spell is the same for both Heroes and Lords.
Race | Worship | Percentage increase |
Minotaur | Werredan | 18% |
Deep Gnome | Tul-Sith | 0% |
Drow | Shizaga | 3% |
Drow | Werredan | 15% |
Elf | Kra | 9% |
High Elf | Kra | 9% |
Gnome | Kra | 9% |
Centaur | Kra | 10% |
Lizard Man | Werredan | 15% |
Lizard Man | Tul-Sith | 0% |
Tuataur | Werredan | 15% |
Ogre | Werredan | 18% |
Ogre | Kra | 12% |
Ogre | Athiest | 8% |
Ogre | Gorn | 1% |
Sprite | Athiest | 5% |
Dwarf | Athiest | 10% |
Dwarf | Bhyss | 16% |
Dwarf | Tor | 20% |
Dwarf | Kra | 14% |
Dwarf | Quixoltan | 15% |
Dwarf | Durr | 7% |
Dwarf | Werredan | 20% |
Dwarf | Tul-Sith | 2% |
Troll | Quixoltan | 10% |
Sprite | Quixoltan | 10% |
Giant | Werredan | 15% |
Kobold | Tor | 15% |
Giant | Werredan | 15% |
Dragon | Kra | 9% |